Introducing the Matrix Lab
the space - and the place - where I share ideas, concepts, and exploratory spiritual works.
what you’ll get
Right-on-time numerological forecasts, with a clear breakdown of what to expect from the numbers at play
Essays, articles, how-tos, and written exploration of various subjects - written by yours truly.
Spiritual, ritual and alchemical formulae for you to test - and enjoy the results of. Shared at least once a quarter, more depending on the climate.
Maintaining access to the Lab backs my research, resets and private work, including exclusive offerings for Black folks free of charge.
Get first dibs on testing spiritual products fresh from the inner lab of Matrix 9D, including salts, baths, and oils.
Some things are best kept in the Lab. Maintaining your access to it allows you to see exactly what those things are.
Frequently Asked Questions
Pretty exclusive. I share previews from time to time, but the Lab will see works before I’ve published them and gets first dibs on spiritual products that aren’t currently on the market anywhere else.
I don’t have any lined up, but there are some VERY cool opt-ins coming in 2025. Right now, they’re considered Lab Secrets.
Monthly at bare minimum: the numerological forecasts are updated at the top of each month, and I have certain Lab Secrets that are refreshed similarly.
Hell yeah! To regain access to the Matrix Lab, just restart your subscription.
That has - truly - not felt like the vibe for the Lab, so not right now! But if that changes, I’ll put up an announcement.
I’m working on it!
Lab Samples
here’s a small sampling of the things that you’ll have access to as a keyholder to the Matrix Lab!
Some Lab Rules + Guidelines
Alignment test!
I actually encourage people to see if joining the Lab, or any online spiritual space, is something that’s right for them. Before acquiring a Lab Key (like the one below), consider trying a prayer like this:
Gently hold your head, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. When ready, say something to the effect of: “My higher self, please let me know if joining the Lab is in alignment with my path and interests.” If the response isn’t instant, it’s totally fine to wait!
You can also use the clarity charm at the bottom of this page, too.
Take your time!
Some of the items I lob into the Lab are meant to be done at-your-leisure, are items for reflection, etc. There may be some things you don’t feel ready to work with, which is totally cool. The Lab is the Lab for a reason; experiment at your own pace.
Also, certain Lab Secrets are experience-exclusive - not all, but some. You can totally bookmark those and come back to them later if you don’t have the requisite background to do so.
Findings welcome!
There will be spaces for community discussion, including discussion of results after working with Lab content. My prayer is that each Keyholder gets an enriching, expansive experience from interacting with Lab items and trying various things out on their own. You may also learn from other practitioners sharing in the discussion sections, too.
Also! I invite folks who are completely new to me and my work to check out my About page to see what kind of time I’m on, and what kind of time we’ll have in the Lab.
Don’t be a dick.
Veteran users of online spiritual spaces may recognize what this protects against, but basically:
The Lab is an experimental space, but also a sacred one. The Lab has an 86/zero-tolerance policy and protocol for transphobia, ableism, queerantagonism, misogynoir, capitalist apologia, and the like. This is also true about “infiltration,” magical/energy fights among Keyholders and against the Lab, nonconsensual energy work or Reiki on the Lab or its members, and reading/tampering with the Lab or its mechanics.
In subscribing or acquiring any Lab Key, you simultaneously agree not to transgress against the Lab or its members - especially through the abovementioned items.
Sharing or transferring Lab content outside of the Lab is also prohibited.
I do retain the right to cancel any subscription without refund, for any reason, and may reserve the right not to furnish that reason. However, there is a very specific reason that I post that disclaimer here.
If any of this bothers you, do not subscribe or enter the Lab.
And no…I’m not joking. These rules are true, however wildly direct they may be. Please know that they’re meant to protect the Lab, the people who are part of it, and the really awesome things that are about to be achieved through it.
ready? here’s one of the Lab Keys available:
Maintain your access to Matrix Lab content: writing, recipes and formulas, micro-workshops, and group spaces. Supports the Lab and the work Ashley does both inside and out of it.