Resource: Revoking Spiritual Authority

Alrighty, folks! As of the time of my writing this resource, it’s a National Month 5 in the US (March 2025). Numerologically speaking, 5 energy is associated with - and can stimulate, produce, inspire, provoke, and enforce - the following:

  • Strong desires, passions, instincts and urges

  • Visceral responses

  • Competition and sport

  • Warfare and conquest

  • Lots of loquaciousness - but also, gossip

  • Sudden changes and redirects

  • Cutting, clearing, and clashing (tbh)

And that’s by no means an exhaustive list. 5 energy is also associated with violence and abuse, including abuse of power. Unsurprisingly to each of you, the US’ governing number is 5. As the country descends into both fascism and blatant theocracy, chances are we will see more than just abuses of political power - but more on-the-ground abuses of spiritual power, too.

This is subsequently a really good time to review any associations with toxic religious and other collectives, and to assess the spiritual reach of those that you’ve walked away from. It is also a good time to assess connections that seem to have robbed you of your sense of agency.

Why Revocation Matters

Quite simply, revocation matters to the person who wants to be clear of as much undue adverse, hostile, or malicious influence as they can reasonably remove. And also, because of the following spiritual considerations:

  • Even kind spiritual leaders can be terribly misguided. If you’ve met such folks, they really do care about the mission and the greater good. But, the way they may pray about others, or do their spiritual work, may cause some harm. For example: the pastor who prays for a battered spouse to forgive their abusive partner, prays for the abusive partner to try and change their ways, and then prays for them to stay together despite the risk of harm.

  • If you were part of a toxic religious or spiritual group, it is possible that they’re still “holding onto” you. This may be true even if you’ve physically, digitally and emotionally walked away from them. When that group subsequently gathers and prays for their members - or even their “lost members of the flock who have lost their way,” which is a thing I’ve known to happen - that spiritual energy may, at times, reach you and your affairs. For example: a renowned prayer circle that gathers every Friday, generating a weekly vortex (and subsequent waves) of energy and change for everyone that they pray about - that also checks up on lapsed members of their religious house.

  • Your subconscious mind may be accepting some presences as spiritual authorities that have no business asserting any sort of power over you. This bit may require a little bit of what folks call shadow work to assess. But if you find that your behavior, speech and thought patterns, posture, or even decision-making changes around people that your conscious mind does not see it for? That can sometimes be a sign that you’re giving them more power over you than is fair or correct. This is especially true when it comes to people who have spiritual authority. It’s okay to recognize that power (spiritual authority is a real thing); another to not feel safe enough in your own sovereignty to step back or define your own boundaries in its presence. I will note that people sometimes give this kind of authority to politicians. celebrities and even influencers - one need not be a member of a clergy. But when we confer undue spiritual authority to such figures, they then have the ability (consciously or otherwise) to make a significant impact on our spiritual energy, our spiritual patterning, etc., often without the framework or understanding to actually mitigate that impact.

Completing a Revocation

There are a couple of ways to revoke power and authority given. These are but a few.

Method 1: Declaration

Pros: Employs the power of the spoken word, as well as the power of sound - which is quite effective. If you can hear or speak loud enough that the vibrations are clearly felt, then hearing/feeling the words can also make the revocation reach deeper into your unconscious mind.

Cons: If you don’t have belief in the power of your own word, or you haven’t done a lot of Ori/shadow/internal work, this may not be fruitful. You may also need a few more steps to feel like it really “takes.” If you’re not accustomed to speaking a thing and it coming to pass, you may feel like you’re scraping the bottom of a McDonald’s bag for spare fries.

Read the complete article as a member of the Matrix Lab!


Experiment: the Key 9 Test