Experiment: the Key 9 Test

This is a test from the Little Book of Keys, my booklet that operates as a how-to for employing words of power. It’s meant to help you identify any subtle obstacles to your sovereignty, as well as - quite literally - your sense of wholeness. It can sometimes be a really confronting exercise depending on what you’ve gone through, so take a second to discern if you’re ready to undertake it. If you are, proceed!

To Prepare

On a most fundamental level, you really only need yourself to complete this exercise. But here’s a list of things that it would be good practice to prepare:

  • Glass of water

  • Notebook and writing utensil

  • Tealight (for the folks who like to banish on-sight, or use it to boost clarity)

  • A liquid spiritual cleanser, like Florida Water (for those who use it) or blessed water

The Process

Sit somewhere comfortable, somewhere you can let yourself just Exist without too much to-do. If you’re able to let your thoughts melt into the general background, cool. Whenever you’re ready, say the following out loud or in your mind:


Notice what comes up for you when you say the words. You can try it more than once, such as in sets of 9, then pausing to observe and reflect. If you opted to write things down, write down your observations as they come to you.

If you’re practiced at embodying words, then note what happens when you “say” the words in different parts of your body. You may find that cleansing, unblocking, uncrossing, or clearing - all separate activities - may need to happen. You may also discover that those activities need to be very localized. I once ran the Key Nine Test on my body and found that my solar plexus area had been compromised in ways even my head had not.

When you’re done, charge your hands and dust yourself off or use the cleansing liquids that you set aside (if you did so).


If you wrote things down and found that what was coming up is pretty ugly, you may want to consider ritually banishing or cleaving what was written from you. The paper itself can be burned. My recommendation is speaking over the paper, declaring the energy behind each word to be pulled away from you by fire.

If you ran the Key Nine Test and found that there was some stuff that absolutely has to Geaux, develop your action plan/use your designated protocol and move accordingly. I recommend at least drinking a prayed-over glass of water or tea to support moving unwanted energies.


You may want to run the Key Nine Test - especially as part of a personal spiritual hygiene diagnostic protocol - weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. See what’s changed each time you do it, and make sure to keep a log of this if you can.

Let me know in the comments how the Key Nine Test worked for you!


Climate Forecast: March 2025


Resource: Revoking Spiritual Authority