About Ashley M.N.

Spiritual Consultant. Root Doctor. Student. Teacher.

But you can call me Amen (pronounced AH-men) - I am also known as Ashley M.N., or Ashley Many-Named.

For reasons specific to my destiny, I acquire a new name - through initiation, ceremony or some other ritualized rebirth - at various points in my journey. And as my spirit uses this path to express itself, I’ve found more and more joy in using my work to help others achieve a deep, freeing kind of soul wellness.

From a young age, I was taught how to use water, plants, sound, and the spoken word as spiritual tools. When I became an Orisa devotee,* studying under the auspices of Ifa helped me to successfully integrate and expand upon the wisdom that had been steadily passed on to me. As did learning conjure the way that my Mississippi ancestors would have worked it. Under ancestral tutelage and through rigorous spiritual testing, I graduated into being a root doctor in 2022.

As my spiritual training and experience gained across over two decades would gradually reveal, spiritual development is both an art and a science; all four branches of my public practice allow me to help others discover this for themselves. As a spiritual consultant, I aim to hold space for you as you come to master yourself and your lessons. As a spiritual diagnostician, I identify the root cause of various spiritual conditions and construct both strategy and solutions. As a spiritual craftsman, I make spiritual tools, tech and products available for general use. And as a ritual foreman, I help to construct and create (relative to the context) safe, effective ritual and spiritual spaces.

It is one of my brightest-burning goals to help others reclaim & maintain internal power and autonomy, spiritual authority, and peace of mind. If you seek this for yourself, know that my books are currently open to new clients. Take a look at my current offerings.

Please note that I make myself readily available for collaboration with other members of my clients’ wellness support teams. With my client’s permission, I am happy to work alongside licensed therapists, clinicians and doctors in furtherance of their wellness goals.

Ever Forward,

P.S.: check out my archive on Ko-Fi, where I shared public prayers and affirmations several years ago.

P.P.S.: I historically haven’t collected reviews, but I am changing this! Reviews are updated on a rolling basis.

*Formally marked Omo Obatala, 2017. Lineage information available.

Client Testimonials

A Quick FAQ

  • I received Reiki I and II in 2017, but have expanded into other healing modalities and do not do Reiki for others. My reason for halting further progression as a Reiki practitioner is a philosophical one. I lay hands, traditional to my bloodline, and was trained by both incarnate and ancestral teachers in how to move and shift energy.

    I also have multiple years of experience of working with clients, including but not limited to:

    • omen education (learning how to perceive, interpret, validate and honor omens)

    • navigating personal mysteries, spiritual gifts, and energy fluctuations

    • navigating, renegotiating and breaking spiritual contracts, agreements, and bondage

    • navigating ancestral and personal cycles, debts, and baggage

    • building, navigating, and renegotiating spirit relationships

    But I’d actually like to talk about my undergrad experience, because I’m finding out how much it turned out to matter.

    If I gave you my full BA (officially and technically in Interdisciplinary Studies), you might see how I might have paved an inroads into my current work. The reality is that my strong desire to avoid taking a single specific math class is why I developed my own degree track, and ended up with the philosophical, ethical and even cosmological framework-building tools necessary to operate as a diviner, then diagnostician. “Globalization and Social Justice” as a line of academic study prepared me to work with people from all kinds of backgrounds, whose lineages carried burdens from all sorts of experiences, and how to identify the kinds of mythmaking that destroys rather than empowers. I still use academic techniques of investigation and inquiry in my client work. Only after I entered Ifa did I truly understand what kind of intellectual foundation I'd given myself.

  • There is!

    A reading is an intentional diving into personal, interpersonal, circumstantial, and/or familial “data” using spiritual tools, done primarily to answer a question, to diagnose a spiritual or circumstantial issue, to obtain deeper understanding, to receive guidance from one’s higher self/ancestral powers/guides, etc. Traditional to all of my practices, I do not conclude a reading without also offering solutions for the problems addressed, or to maintain the good indicated. Readings are done with the help and presence of our respective spirits.

    A consultation, by comparison, is more of an active conversation about a particular subject and doesn’t necessarily require a reading: a peer may consult or refer out to me for a second opinion, and clients may seek me out particularly for a combination of information and insight. In addition to things like dream interpretation and other forms of spiritual skill-building, clients may also seek consultations with me on ritual: to construct, refine, etc.

    I’m grateful to be able to offer both, and to distinguish between the two offerings. My fee is the same for either style of working with me.

  • I’m not currently into party readings (please save me some cake, though!), but I am open to working with organizations and small businesses. My primary interest is addressing the spiritual synergy of a group, but come talk to me about your needs; I’ll see if and how I can help.

  • I do. I place working with local Baltimore groups and communities as a very high priority with regards to cleansing and resetting the energy of spaces, addressing group synergy, etc. Contact me or check out my For Small Business page for more info.

  • Indeed! At this point in my public work, I’m open to working with folks to stage healing circles, guided meditations, and more. I’m more than happy to help you ensure that the healing event achieves its intended purpose, as well as prepare protocols for before/after. Let’s chat about your event.

  • Those are common but fairly loaded questions - anyone who knows the history of Hoodoo in the US could attest to why. Know that root doctors do a vast and varied number of things!

    In more than one of my traditions, it is normal and acceptable to make various forms of third-party work available. I differ from my forebears in that regard, although I strive to address the core energy inspiring that request.

    So rather than a love binding (for example), I help my clients meet the prospective partners with whom they’re most aligned, or help address the root cause of relationship challenges. I am experienced in removing cords, claims, and other energetic items preventing romantic fulfillment.

    And it comes to righting a wrong done against a client, I usually take a multi-step approach to recovering what the client lost - including self-sovereignty, faith, protection, and strength. For starters. I look at transgressions through a holistic divinatory and analytical lens that empowers my clients rather than leaves them exposed to repetition.

  • I generally avoid drawing such conclusions casually - only after identifying whether your situation meets diagnostic criteria and formal divination. This process also helps me to identify the best ritual approach to same.

    Also, please don’t feel bad, ashamed, or hesitant to pursue this line of inquiry: this particular era of social media has increased people’s awareness of, and willingness to try, using spiritual tools without a lot of forethought. For example: on TikTok, the “I don’t chase, I attract - what’s meant for me will always find me” trend generated quite a bit of chaos as folks’ long-forgotten debts, bad luck, and other unwanted things proceeded to “find” them successfully and with a quickness. Others may use something they found online to manifest a particular person, without thoughtful regard for how that attempt may impact their target. Still others take information gleaned from videos and online manuals to attack others. So the degrees to which someone may actually have been “crafted” by someone else may vary, but it’s slightly more common these days that one might think. And sometimes - I could talk extensively about this here - what we think is a curse is just a byproduct of way too much evil eye, which is a solvable problem! If you think you’re suffering an intentional work, please get a reading done by a skilled spiritual practitioner.

  • I can! Sometimes people have blockages that require a third party to identify and suss out.

    Having established that, though, I use an Afro-indigenous understanding of manifestation, not a Law of Attraction framework. A number of people who come to me do so for help harnessing and cultivating personal power. Many may need to take restorative steps towards being in the kind of spiritual alignment that may naturally generate the results that LOA techniques seek to achieve. Still others may have issues of destiny that prevent or inhibit a certain kind of manifestation.

    If you’re struggling to bring things into being or want to determine the best way to do so on a spiritual level, I can definitely help you with that - just reach out. You’ll gain clarity either way.

  • Awesome! I’m glad that my offerings resonate with you.

    If you’re a brand-new client and we have not met in person/at an event/through someone else:

    Please email me at consultations.matrix9d@gmail.com to request a reading or consultation; please use your full legal name. If a client/diviner relationship is appropriate, we can proceed to set up a time to speak virtually or, if local to Baltimore and seeking an in-person consult, at one of my “satellite offices.”

    If we’ve met OR you were referred to me by a third party, vendor, social/networking group, or community peer:

    Please reach out to me by the email listed above; if applicable, please let me know who referred you..

Client Testimonials