Spiritual Consultations + Services

Sometimes, we need a truly multidimensional approach to our challenges, or to maintaining internal alignment. Sometimes we need a spiritual understanding in order to goal-set well. And sometimes, there are things we simply need to have seen from a neutral third-party perspective.

I’m happy to hold that space for you.

Here’s what you should know:

  • Each reading (and most consultations) is opened with prayer and thanksgiving, especially to each person’s higher self. This is true even when strictly using numerology as the divinatory tool.

  • I encourage my clients to take notes, and hold space for them to ask ample questions after divination and live interpretation have been completed.

  • In the tradition of the divining ancestors who came before me, I do not conclude a consultation until the client has a prescription or action plan in-hand to appropriately bear, release, or mitigate what we reveal.

If you’re ready to see what services are currently available, scroll further! FAQs and testimonials at the bottom.

Please note that it is my practice to divine for fit before taking on new long-term clients, and I reserve the right to recommend seeking another consultant if I discern the appropriateness of same. Sometimes, that happens!

Available Consultations

  • Personal Reading of the Year

    $220, between 1 and 2 hours

    I utilize a combination of numerology and a divinatory tool chosen at the opening of the reading, which in and of itself serves as an omen for the year. We go over the themes of each major quarter, strategies, and remedies, in addition to whatever else reveals itself during the course of divination. New Year’s spiritual medicine is provided only if prescribed and at additional cost (generally not exceeding $40 plus expedited shipping).

    This service may be completed by phone or by Google Meet.

  • General Reading/Consultation

    $90, at least 1 hour
    DMV Residents: $72
    Baltimore Residents: $63

    30-min sessions available

    I utilize a combination of ancestral, divinatory and numerological tools to help you take a holistic approach to problem-solving, personal development, spiritual wellness, and self-improvement. I prioritize a developmental and transformative approach to your spiritual data.

    The subject of divination can be truly general/comprehensive, or single-subject.

    This service may be completed by phone or by Google Meet. Baltimore residents may meet me at an event or locally.

  • Numerological Chart Reading

    $90, at least 1 hour
    DMV Residents: $72
    Baltimore Residents: $63

    30-min sessions available

    I utilize Western and Chaldean numerological conventions to assess and help you to harness the energy that you incarnated with - much like an astrological natal chart. We go over major subjects such as your soul’s urge, your personality and how others receive you, and your destiny - as well as the many paths to its achievement.

    This service may be completed by phone or by Google Meet. Baltimore residents may meet me locally.

  • Numerological Divination Session

    $120, at least 1 hour

    I utilize between 7 and 9 21-sided dice to assess and diagnose various conditions, answer inquiries, and get a general look at your personal energies. Each casting reveals the frequencies at play in numeric format, making room not only for problem-solving, but understanding. This form of divination can be used for identifying the correct remedies to spiritual problems, as well.

    This service may be completed by phone or by Google Meet. Baltimore residents may meet me locally.

  • Monthly Reading

    $45, 1 hour

    I utilize a combination of ancestral, divinatory and numerological tools to identify the energies likely to manifest during a calendar month, as well as what may need to be done to keep, shift, or maintain the energies made apparent therein.

    This service may be completed by phone or by Google Meet. Baltimore residents may be able to meet with me locally.

  • Seasonal/Quarterly Reading

    $129, at least 1 hour
    DMV Residents: $93
    Baltimore Residents: $75

    I utilize a combination of ancestral, divinatory and numerological tools to identify the energies likely to manifest during a calendrical quarter, as well as what may need to be done to keep, shift, or maintain the energies made apparent therein.

    This service may be completed by phone or by Google Meet. Baltimore residents may be able to meet with me locally.

  • Office Hours

    $11 for 10 minutes
    $21 for 20 minutes

    Extended time slots available

    For when you need rapid-interpretation of things like recurring angel numbers, or if you have practical questions that you need a working spiritualist to answer (e.g., how do I cleanse my house with this?).

    This service may be completed by phone or by Google Meet. Baltimore residents may meet me at an event or locally.

  • Heal the Healer | Practitioner Check-Ins

    $80, 1-2 hours
    Weekly session discount available

    It is my intention to hold space for folks in Baltimore as a “healer’s healer,” a “psychic’s psychic,” etc. If your work on a community, professional or societal level involves dismantling sources of harm (i.ie., systems of oppression) and/or you are a public-facing practitioner of a spiritual or energetic healing practice, this service is specifically for you.

    In addition to just general divination and coaching, I’m happy to run energy-checks, prepare cleansings, etc. I also help with maintaining spiritual clarity, removing heavy post-client work energies, retuning, building protocols, etc.

    I do offer some sort of discount for folks who want to check in more than once a month. Just let me know if you’d like to move forward in that fashion.

  • Pathwork | Spiritual Path Guidance

    $180 - opening session, up to 3 hours
    $63 per session thereafter
    $45 per session thereafter for Baltimore residents

    I’m happy to once again offer this kind of program, in which I work with folks who are looking for spiritual guidance, insight and path support. In Pathwork sessions, we talk about your spiritual goals (healing, clarity, development of a skill, etc.), tools for helping you achieve them, etc. etc. Where readings and consultations are more oriented towards problem-solving, Pathwork is about cultivation, growth, and my holding intentionally-inquisitive space for you to reflect and actualize these things for yourself. Not unlike a student/teacher arrangement.

    Please note that I divine for long and short-term fit!

  • Ritual Cutting and Cleansing

    $108 - diagnostic reading and primary cleansing, approx. 2-3 hours
    $200 for secondary cleansing

    I provide a service in which hostile, unwanted, or disadvantageous energies and cords are ritually removed from you. The first session diagnoses and addresses minor issues, or obstructive energies that prevent deeper clearing; if extensive cutting and clearing is needed, prepwork is given and we complete the ritual on a scheduled date. Instructions for interim care are also given.

    This process is ideal for: removing so-called “soul ties,” the energies from bad relationships and bad relationship dynamics, recovering from hostile work environments, detaching hostile restless dead, etc.

    This is a service that can be employed, in particular, by those who don’t have the requisite materials or knowledge to address their entanglements, cannot apply them discreetly or comfortably at home, or would prefer to outsource that process to a specialist.

    This service is also for those who sense that their struggles have a spiritual root cause - if revealed during the diagnostic reading, a plan of action and advisories for their long-term wellness are given. Each of my sessions come with some measure of spiritual hygiene education.

  • Ancestral Clinic Sessions

    $300 - initial consult (and tools if needed)
    Sliding-scale thereafter

    Now available to folks outside of Baltimore

    This is a service specifically to help Black folks in Baltimore (and beyond) heal from displacement and various forms of trauma. My ancestors trained me rigorously in grasping at the root of bloodline issues, providing divinely-guided surgical precision to healing efforts.

    Clients participating in my Ancestral Clinic will working with me on:

    obtaining a clear understanding of the spiritual root cause of bloodline challenges

    remedial strategies (including my providing spiritual cleansings or tools, the cost of which is built into the first consult fee)

    developing a carefully-tailored spiritual action plan for themselves as a member of their bloodline

    building a strong, healthy, reciprocal relationship with your ancestors and the land (including guidance on how to construct and maintain your altar, interpret omens, etc.)

    Please contact me directly if interested in this program. Future consult fees are determined by live divination during our first consult, but may fall generally between $0.01-$49.

  • Bespoke Spiritual Materials

    $110 - intake consultation, about 1 hour
    $60 - established client assessment
    $50 - multi-day supply of soap, salt, incense or oil (includes shipping)

    This is a unique service in which I draw upon my experience as a root doctor to prepare highly-personalized spiritual materials for you. I designed this service after working with clients who struggle to see results from materia magica currently on the market, or had taboos which made the use of those products anathema. Your numero-spiritual profile and relevant taboos are identified during the intake consultation; spiritual materials are prepared and sent thereafter. When new materials are sought that haven’t been ordered before, we assess your current circumstances to see what herbs and minerals should be incorporated into your materials.

    Note for Black clients: I do prepare spiritual black soap. Black soap prepared by me differs from ritual black soaps prepared by Onisegun, and does not incorporate the ase of Orisas or employ Odu Ifa. To obtain traditional spiritual black soaps that do incorporate those energies (such as oshole), consult with an Orisa priest that you trust.

    Allergen note: materials are prepared in a home where there are cats, with open-window ventilation during prep. Some materials are prepared in facilities that also process tree nuts.

    Please note that this service requires a liability waiver.

Client Testimonials

(numbers chosen to anonymize)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely. Whether you’re looking for a long term practitioner/client working relationship or help with a single transition, we’ll work through your goals together.

  • I follow a protocol similar to the elders and priests of my respective traditional practices, which is to maintain total confidentiality - what’s discussed in-session stays there, and I do not identify my clients publicly/in social settings.

    When referring out to another practitioner, which details should be shared (type of work done, etc.) are discussed with the client

  • Yes to both. When making referrals, the referred practitioner is someone chosen according to the needs of the client, their spiritual compatibility with the practitioner, the practitioner’s demonstrated ethical conduct, etc.

  • Currently: Cash, PayPal, CashApp, and Zelle.

  • Awesome! I’m glad that my offerings resonate with you!

    If you’re a brand-new client and we have not met in person/at an event/through someone else:

    Please email me at consultations.matrix9d@gmail.com to request a reading or consultation; please use your full legal name. If a client/diviner relationship is appropriate, we can proceed to set up a time to speak by Zoom or, if local to Baltimore and seeking an in-person consult, at one of my “satellite offices.”

    If we’ve met OR you were referred to me by a third party, vendor, social/networking group, or community peer:

    You’re welcome to DM me, or reach out to me by the email listed above; if applicable, please let me know who referred you..